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主题:[公告]Albert Neville Thiele 2012年10月一日不幸辞世

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[公告]Albert Neville Thiele 2012年10月一日不幸辞世  发帖心情 Post By:2012-11-30 22:13:23 [只看该作者]

Albert Neville Thiele (1920–2012)
  It is with great sadness that I report the passing of one of the loudspeaker industry’s greatest icons, Dr. Albert Neville Thiele.  He died on October 1, 2012. His name has been heard, and it will continue to be heard thousands of times a day by loudspeaker engineers as we discuss “Thiele/Small Parameters.” 
[此贴子已经被作者于2012-11-30 22:31:08编辑过]

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