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主题:与CIRCUIT CITY有业务的请注意!

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等级:侠之大者 帖子:215 积分:1672 威望:0 精华:1 注册:2008-3-24 10:27:45
与CIRCUIT CITY有业务的请注意!  发帖心情 Post By:2008-10-14 15:53:47 [只看该作者]

 美国已有公司称CIRCUIT CITY明年第1季度将破产。各位要注意自己的货款安全!

Circuit City Bankruptcy Likely In ’09: Analyst

By Alan Wolf --  10/13/2008 1:01:00 PM

Cleveland, Ohio — A research analyst at KeyBanc Capital Markets, here, expects Circuit City to enter Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection as early as the first quarter of 2009.

“We believe a Circuit City bankruptcy has become a question of ‘when’ rather than ‘if,’” Bradley Thomas observed in a research note.

According to reports by StreetInsider.com and the Associated Press, Bradley said the challenging economic environment is accelerating the retailer’s trajectory toward Chapter 11, and will also diminish the likelihood that it can emerge from bankruptcy.

He noted that vendor support remains “the wild card” in the equation. “If one major vendor were to cut off Circuit City, we would expect others to quickly follow suit,” he wrote.

Best Buy would be a direct beneficiary of a Circuit City bankruptcy, Bradley added, which would outweigh the impact of falling TV prices and cutbacks in consumer spending.

He estimated that Best Buy’s earnings could rise by 37 cents per share in 2010 if Circuit City were to close 300 of its approximately 700 stores.

Circuit City was trading at 41 cents a share at press time on Monday afternoon

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加好友 发短信 华强
等级:新手上路 帖子:230 积分:2287 威望:0 精华:0 注册:2007-6-26 23:38:25
  发帖心情 Post By:2008-10-14 20:12:26 [只看该作者]


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加好友 发短信 上户丹三
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  发帖心情 Post By:2008-10-15 7:43:48 [只看该作者]


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加好友 发短信
等级:侠之大者 帖子:215 积分:1672 威望:0 精华:1 注册:2008-3-24 10:27:45
  发帖心情 Post By:2008-10-29 21:05:08 [只看该作者]


All Eyes Are On Circuit City, Tweeter

Store closings could flood market with fire-sale inventory, pummeling prices

By Alan Wolf & Steve  10/28/2008

NEW YORK — While the CE industry is already holding its collective breath over the coming holiday season, the wild cards that are Circuit City and Tweeter are adding to the anxiety.

The fates of the No. 2 CE specialty chain, and to a lesser extent Tweeter, could have far-reaching effects on their suppliers and competitors, and hasten an industry-wide restructuring anticipated by some industry observers.

An immediate concern is that possible store closings and fire sales by Circuit City, suggested in a Wall Street Journal report last week, would flood the market with deeply discounted product and put added promotional pressure on retailers.

With credit markets frozen, Circuit might be forced to close more than 20 percent of its stores and liquidate $350 million in inventory to keep the company afloat through Christmas, the article quoted sources as saying.

Jim Ristow, executive VP of Home Entertainment Source (HES), the specialty A/V division of the Brand Source buying group, outlined three possible scenarios for the chain during a fourth-quarter Webinar presentation for members last week:

? the retailer could restructure under Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection and emerge as a different company, although obtaining a bridge loan in this environment is difficult;

? Circuit could be acquired after entering Chapter 11, allowing the new owner to close 300 to 400 of its approximately 700 stores, including those with poor locations and bad leases, or;

? management could opt for liquidation.

The last alternative would displace billions of dollars in CE merchandise and further squeeze manufacturers, who are already contending with high inventory levels and lowered forecasts from big-box customers, Ristow said.

While Circuit City is still reportedly paying vendors and receiving shipments, he said he expects the chain to be “the most predatory” in its fourth-quarter pricing and to do “more unnatural things” during the holidays.

Richard Sharp, former chairman, president and CEO of Circuit City, acknowledged “the company's recent struggles” during his induction into the CE Hall of Fame last week. (See p. 22) Sharp, whose day-to-day involvement with the chain ended in 2000, hopes that “Circuit City survives and prospers” and that “the industry gives them a chance” to turn things around, because the CE business will be hurt “if we lose a chain like Circuit City.”

Gary Shapiro, president/CEO of the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA), spoke with TWICE at his event last week and downplayed the impact of a Circuit City failure. “I like a lot of people at Circuit City and I know that a lot of suppliers are focused on them now,” he told TWICE in an upcoming interview. “Everyone wants competition at retail. Even some retailers want that competition.

“Whatever happens to [Circuit City] will happen to them, but it will not make or break the consumer electronics industry in the long term. Circuit City is a painful moment for the industry because it has such a legacy, but it is a short-term painful moment. [The industry] will survive no matter what happens with Circuit City, and five years from now we will be hearing about another retailer having another painful moment.”

Tweeter, which earlier this month replaced CEO George Granoff with an outside chief restructuring officer, is facing similar choices, HES's Ristow said.

Neither George Schultze, principal of the eponymous investment group that owns Tweeter, nor Granoff's interim successor, Craig Boucher, would comment for this article.

Contributing to CE retail's woes is an over-stored marketplace, which has grown more crowded as Best Buy accelerated its build-out and discount chains like Wal-Mart, Target and Costco expanded and upgraded their CE assortments, observers say. This, plus the precarious economy, could lead to another retail shakeout akin to the early 1990s.

“Weaker dealers will go out of business or consolidate, and vendors will cut production or restructure” during a downturn that will last quarters rather than weeks or months, HES's Ristow told dealers.

But a shakeout could also create opportunities for new businesses and models. “There were a lot of retailers around 20 or 25 years ago who are not around now,” said CEA's Shapiro. Since the turn of the century, the industry has seen “Amazon and eBay come onto the horizon,” along with “independent retailers with custom installers, wireless retailers ... as new technologies come up so do new types of retailers.”

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加好友 发短信
等级:侠之大者 帖子:215 积分:1672 威望:0 精华:1 注册:2008-3-24 10:27:45
  发帖心情 Post By:2008-11-6 22:17:51 [只看该作者]


Tweeter Files For Bankruptcy Protection

By Alan Wolf --  11/5/2008 2:07:00 PM

Canton, Mass.Tweeter has filed for Chapter 11 protection in the United States Bankruptcy Court in Delaware.

According to petitions filed today under the names Tweeter Opco, Tweeter Newco, Tweeter Tivoli and Tweeter Intellectual Property, the retailer faces “a severe liquidity crisis brought on by slow sales caused by declines in discretionary consumer spending.”

The chain, which was acquired last year by Schultze Asset Management after a previous bankruptcy filing, estimated its liabilities at between $50 million and $100 million.

Sony is the largest unsecured creditor, with claims of $1.7 million, followed by Samsung at $865,555 and Pioneer at $554,814, according to the filing.

Tweeter’s other largest claimants include Panamax ($315,066), Alpine ($308,387), Omnimount ($285,614), Panasonic ($276,750), Service Net ($275,674), Mitsubishi ($193,411) and Martin Logan ($166,025).

Tweeter acknowledged in the filing that it has begun store-closing sales through a joint venture with liquidators SB Capital Group, Tiger Capital Group and Hudson Capital Partners, but said it will continue to operate the business as a debtor in possession.

The chain currently manages 94 stores in 17 states under the Tweeter, Sound Advice, HiFi Buys and Showcase Home Entertainment brands.

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加好友 发短信 电声从业人员
等级:超级版主 帖子:6538 积分:51138 威望:10 精华:39 注册:2005-10-28 8:32:06
  发帖心情 Post By:2008-11-11 11:05:25 [只看该作者]


http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年11月11日 07:21  新浪科技

  新浪科技讯 北京时间11月11日消息,据国外媒体报道,美国第二大电子产品零售商Circuit City周一宣布申请破产保护,原因是经济危机和激烈的市场竞争导致公司业务每况愈下,并且对东山再起已失去信心。

  Circuit City创办于1949年,总部位于美国弗吉尼亚州,在美国和加拿大分别拥有721和770家连锁店。但最近两年,公司市值已缩水50亿美元。据Circuit City向法庭提交的破产申请文件显示,公司目前拥有资产34亿美元,债务为23.2亿美元。

  Circuit City首席财务官布鲁斯·贝赞可(Bruce Besanko)称,申请破产是为了挽救重组成果。上周,Circuit City宣布将关闭美国155家连锁店,裁员约6800人。

  贝赞可还称,原计划有7500万美元的退税到账,但至今年仍杳无音信。对于本已资金紧张的Circuit City而言,很难度过今年的圣诞购物旺季。

  Circuit City在破产申请文件中还称,希望破产法庭能将Circuit City当前的银行债务纳入破产申请借款中,以确保Circuit City拥有足够的现金为今年的圣诞节备货。为此,债权人已同意为Circuit City提供11亿美元借款。

  Circuit City的主要债权人为美国银行。破产申请文件显示,加拿大业务也在破产申请保护之列。(李明)
