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主题:普瑞姆聘请 主任/高级电声工程师

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等级:新手上路 帖子:9 积分:144 威望:0 精华:0 注册:2013-8-6 13:51:54
普瑞姆聘请 主任/高级电声工程师  发帖心情 Post By:2016-4-11 9:45:17 [只看该作者]

聘请 主任/高级电声工程师 2名  


联系方式:感兴趣的童鞋欢迎投递简历至 rainy.ren@premiumsoundsolutions.com(也欢迎同行推荐,若应聘者成功入职并通过试用期,本司会以5000元的推荐费表达对推荐者的感谢!)

Premium Sound Solutions, 普瑞姆扬声器系统(深圳)有限公司,前身为飞利浦扬声器系统,总部设在比利时,客户包括BMW, GM, PSA, Volkswagen, Audi, B&O, B&W, Loewe, Sonos等。

1. 第十三个月工资;
2. 年终绩效奖金;
3. 每年至少12天的带薪年假;
4. 团体商业保险;
5. 年度健康体检;
6. 生日、结婚、新生儿等纪念礼金;
7. 年度员工旅游等。

高级电声工程师(Lead/Senior Acoustic Engineer)岗位职责描述如下

Job Purpose: 
Independently develop acoustical products for PSS APAC, targeting mass production of premium products with OEM suppliers, with PSS advanced loudspeaker drivers and technologies. 
Key areas of accountability:
·         Capable to develop acoustic solution to meet the objectives of various product developments in technical aspects to meet business schedule and cost control. 
·         Responsible for product acoustic design of loudspeaker drivers, boxes and systems for          consumer AV products provide solutions for business management upon customer requests. 
·         Ensure to meet the milestones of the acoustic issues of product development according to CRS. Ensure all the actions meet target schedule.
·         Responsible for timely delivery of the required documentation for acoustic design and verifications during project development processes, including design documents, test reports and analysis and performance evaluation to the project team.
·         Interact with mechanical & electrical development engineers when designing the acoustical aspects of loudspeakers and sound products. 
·         Responsible for sound tuning of the boxes or systems such that the customer approves the sound performance.   
·         To release acoustical parts and to ensure that technical specification are met.
·         Interacting with external suppliers on technical issues with pro-active involvement of technical support.
1.       Academic/Professional Qualification: 
·         Degree in Acoustical Engineering, electronic audio engineering or Mechanical Engineering. Master is preferred.  
2.       Working Experience: 
·         Minimum 5 years’ experience in audio/acoustical product design of consumer products.
·         Enhanced experience on loudspeaker driver design, good understanding of design and manufacture of loudspeaker and components.
·         Have good analytical skills on product development with hands-on to solve technical problems with professional knowledge. 
3.       Expertise/Skills: 
·         Very good understanding of Speaker T/S parameters, simulation tools, design supporting software tools such as FEMM, Finemoter, Finecone, Leap, and product design processes.
·         Professional knowledge on acoustic testing system equipment, test methods on T/S parameters, FRF, THD, Rub&Buzz, Impendance and nonlinearity. Klippel system is preferred.
·         Detailed knowledge of speaker component design and manufacture processes, including formation, glue, solder and assembly.
·         Working knowledge on the acoustic system including transducer, acoustic design, power amplifiers, audio signal tuning, and DSP enhancement.
4.       Language Skills: 
·         Fluent in English (both written and spoken) and Mandarin. 

PS: 我们对目前在招的这个人的定位可以根据他实际的能力去作调整:如果你已有在电声领域独当一面的经历,我们的Senior Engineer的岗位会比较适合你;如果你已成为这个领域的专家,并且乐于、擅于将经验分享给后来者,我们也有Lead Engineer的岗位适合你。


  2楼 | 信息 | 搜索 | 邮箱 | 主页 | UC

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等级:职业侠客 帖子:94 积分:811 威望:0 精华:2 注册:2011-4-25 2:04:33
  发帖心情 Post By:2016-4-11 16:41:19 [只看该作者]


  3楼 | 信息 | 搜索 | 邮箱 | 主页 | UC

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等级:新手上路 帖子:7 积分:118 威望:0 精华:0 注册:2014-12-22 15:43:50
  发帖心情 Post By:2016-6-29 16:44:39 [只看该作者]

