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主题:Consumer Gear是什么意思?

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Consumer Gear是什么意思?  发帖心情 Post By:2012-5-7 14:52:36 [只看该作者]

A side trip -- "Professional" vs. "Consumer" Levels
There has always been a lot of confusion about the whole issue of the nominal operating level of "professional" gear versus the nominal operating level of so-called "consumer" gear.

You may have heard that professional gear is "+ 4 dBu" and consumer gear is "- 10 dBV." Because only professionals used this stuff back when it was new (and expensive!) technology, and the older dBu designation was all they had to work with, the original designation of operating level (expressed in dBu) has stuck. By the time consumer audio products were introduced in a big way, the dBV has been invented, and so dBV was used for consumer gear. (Remember, they are
 both simply ways of comparing voltage levels -- nothing more. That + 4dBu is somehow inherently "better" than -10 dBV is a big, fat myth, kept alive by the somewhat arbitrary labels of "professional" and "consumer" attached to them.)
