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牛书推荐  发帖心情 Post By:2013-3-26 17:47:00 [只看该作者]


第一本是大牛 Beranek和Mellow写的 Acoustics - Sound Fields and Transducers. 大牛太牛了,以至于我已经不知道怎么介绍了。按简历这老头1936年大学毕业。按照22岁算的话,去年出这个书的时候基本已经快百岁了。这么大岁数了,还在写书,而且基本不同的书之间没有重复内容。比如国人熟知的音乐厅和歌剧院,2010年还出新版。同年还出了本自传。老人家真是退而不休阿。话说推荐的这本书,无论从哪个方面说都是一本大作。我有的时候想,南大声学所真丢人,魏先生的讲义整理的声学基础卖了几十年了还不改。第二版就比第一版加了2小节内容。第三版更奇葩,居然和第二版一字不易,甚至有些明显错误都未更正就重版了。人百岁老头写书都知道与时俱进,封面就弄个Lumia800的照片。够时髦吧。700多页书中,系统的成体系的介绍了音频声学和电声学的各个方面。我觉得英语过关的完全可以拿这本做声学教科书的。

第二本书题目很大,就叫Electroacoustics,作者Mendel Kleiner。这位老先生名头没那么大。不过今年也该70左右了。目前在瑞典Charlmers大学任教。但是这本书一打开就合不上了。这是本标准教材,涉及多种电声换能器的分析,每章背后都有习题。牛人和我们的不同在于善于用数学公式表达物理概念,让你从定性分析做到定量计算。每章后面都有参考文献,方便想进一步了解的读者更深入阅读。最后的附录,真正零起点从欧姆定律开始补数理基础。




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图片点击可在新窗口打开查看此主题相关图片如下:acoustics - sound fields and transducers.jpg

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Acoustics - Sound Fields and Transducers



Electroacoustics - Mendel Kleiner


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加好友 发短信 一天到晚游泳的鱼
等级:黑侠 帖子:533 积分:5741 威望:0 精华:0 注册:2005-11-3 9:29:19
  发帖心情 Post By:2013-4-4 22:57:02 [只看该作者]

The story behind - 'Acoustics, soundfields and transducers' 

 If you ask any engineer or academic working in the field of electro acoustics which is their favourite   text book, the reply will nearly always be ACOUSTICS by Leo Beranek. Why is a book published in   1954 without revisions still so popular? There are many reasons: It deals mainly with fundamental   principles which have not changed. It is well structured. The author’s passion for the subject is   infectious – the opening sentence is “Acoustics is a most fascinating subject”. Wave propagation is   explained pictorially before diving into mathematics. Electrical circuit analogies are used to provide   insight into the operation of transducers. Formulas are given to help readers to work out their own   designs. It is hardly surprising that ACOUSTICS has become one of the most cited books on the   subject.  

My background was in electrical engineering, so naturally Leo’s circuit analogies sparked my interest   in acoustics and his book was my bible for many years. I was always fascinated by the plots of   directivity patters and radiation impedances for pistons with and without baffles. In fact Lord Rayleigh   (John W. Strutt) had derived an elegant closed-form formula for the radiation impedance of a piston  in an infinite baffle in 1894, long before the direct radiator loudspeaker had been invented.

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  发帖心情 Post By:2013-4-4 22:58:05 [只看该作者]

The story behind - 'Acoustics, soundfields and transducers' 

However, I had much more difficulty in reproducing the impedance of a piston without a baffle. In   2002, I looked up the paper that Leo cited in the footnotes expecting to find an equation that I could simply enter into my computer and   use to plot the result. It wasn’t there. I had to go right back to Christoffel Bouwkamp’s 1941 PhD thesis, which is 25 pages long, but   contains no final equation that can be used. Every step is needed. At the end, the author states “The time-consuming computation of   Eigenvalues, Eigen functions, and other quantities important for the physical interpretation was done on a small hand-driven Brunsviga   desk calculator”. This was certainly a heroic achievement at the time and I imagine that he burnt much midnight oil.

At about the same time, I discovered a paper by another Dutch researcher, Hans Streng, which used more powerful boundary integral   methods to determine the sound radiated from a circular electrostatic loudspeaker membrane. I then met a Finnish colleague   (coincidentally with the same forename as the author of my favourite book), Leo K?rkk?inen, who was working at Nokia Research Centre  in Helsinki. When I showed him Streng’s paper, he was quite excited about it because he could see that it could be used to describe any   surface velocity distribution such as that of a piston in a circular baffle.

This led to our first published paper. With his physics background, Leo became my mentor in wave theory and mathematical methods. He   even modified the Streng method in order to avoid the use of collocation and thus calculate everything directly. In my second paper I   applied this method to the Bouwkamp problem of waves diffracted through a circular aperture. Meanwhile, I had been busy creating my   own document of everything I had learnt about wave theory starting from first principles until one day, when I showed it to Leo   K?rkk?inen, he said “This would make a nice book. Have you thought of publishing it?”

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加好友 发短信 一天到晚游泳的鱼
等级:黑侠 帖子:533 积分:5741 威望:0 精华:0 注册:2005-11-3 9:29:19
  发帖心情 Post By:2013-4-4 22:59:09 [只看该作者]

The story behind - 'Acoustics, soundfields and transducers' 

A few years later, on 23rd April 2007 to be exact, I was thinking that what the world of engineering acoustics needed was a text book that   covered everything from lumped-element theory using circuit analogies, as covered in Leo Beranek’s book, to wave theory and sound   radiation/scattering problems.

However, I could not cover the fundamental principles any better than Leo had already done and I did not want to plagiarize anything. The   idea of writing an updated version of ACOUSTICS suddenly hit me like a thunderbolt. It seemed like completely the right thing to do even if   it would involve a huge amount of work. The reason I know the date so exactly is that in my excitement I immediately fired off an email to   Leo K?rkk?inen!

I wrote to Leo Beranek who amazingly wrote back informing me that he held the copyright and that I could use anything I liked. However,   he was not keen on being a co-author because he was too busy contributing to the current literature on concert hall acoustics, even if I   wrote all the new material and he simply reviewed it. This was hardly surprising since at the time since I was completely unknown with   only a handful of published papers to my name. However, as time went on, Leo became more enthusiastic about the project and   contributed much new material, including two whole chapters on sound in enclosures and rooms for loudspeaker listening.

I was certainly delighted when he eventually decided he would like to have his name on it as that was the best possible endorsement of all   the hard work involved.

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加好友 发短信 一天到晚游泳的鱼
等级:黑侠 帖子:533 积分:5741 威望:0 精华:0 注册:2005-11-3 9:29:19
  发帖心情 Post By:2013-4-4 23:01:36 [只看该作者]

The story behind - 'Acoustics, soundfields and transducers'

The first task was to obtain an optical scan of the original book as a Word document. Unfortunately it then took me a year to correct it   because, in addition to numerous scanning errors, the software did not recognize any mathematical symbols or Greek letters. I also had   the formidable task of reproducing the figures by drawing over PDFs of them in Word, rather like virtual tracing paper. I first met Leo   Beranek face to face at the 2007 ICA meeting in Madrid. We also met a few times in London, Boston and at the 2008 ASA meeting in   Miami but, because of the distance between Surrey and Boston, most of our collaboration was done via email. While working on the new   text, we were answering all of the questions that I had collected in my mind over the years.

For example: 
 ?    What are the independent constituent variables that determine the efficiency of a loudspeaker?
 ?    How is the radiated sound pressure of an unbaffled loudspeaker determined from its equivalent circuit? 
 ?    How does a finite open or closed baffle affect the frequency response? 
 ?    Can we design a simple crossover which does not produce time-delay waveform distortion? 
 ?    What are the 2-port networks for horns of different profiles? 
 ?    How much radiated sound power is needed to reproduce music or speech in an auditorium of a given size? 
 ?    How does the shape of the radiator affect the response?  
?    Is there a difference between flat, convex or concave radiators? 
 ?    Where does the Kirchhoff-Helmholtz boundary integral come from and what does it mean? 
 ?    Can we have a unified approach to sound radiation/scattering instead of the current patchwork of different methods? 
 ?    What is the equivalent circuit of a very narrow tube with viscous and thermal losses and a slip boundary condition?

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加好友 发短信 一天到晚游泳的鱼
等级:黑侠 帖子:533 积分:5741 威望:0 精华:0 注册:2005-11-3 9:29:19
  发帖心情 Post By:2013-4-4 23:02:44 [只看该作者]

The story behind - 'Acoustics, soundfields and transducers'

Leo paid particular attention to the ordering of contents and specifically asked me to include a new section on transmission-line   loudspeakers because so many had asked him about how the Bose Wave? system worked. He also requested a new chapter on cell phone  acoustics because he was curious as to how so much sound could be produced by something the size of a deck of cards and felt that it   would bring the book right up to date. Because I had worked for Nokia for so many years, I was too close to the subject to explain it clearly   to the lay person and Leo’s input here proved invaluable. I am also indebted to my colleague Enrico Pascucci for his marvellous  photographs and many useful suggestions for the chapter.

Leo wanted a new title which indicated direct lineage with the original while reflecting the change in emphasis and suggested “Acoustics:   Transducers and airborne acoustics”. Although “airborne” was intended to indicate “non-structural”, I suggested replacing it with “sound   fields” in order to sound less “outdoors”. Also, the term sound field is fairly general as it can mean either a free field or sound in an   enclosure. He then suggested putting “sound fields” before “transducers” because that is the order in which the two subjects are   introduced and we settled for that.

A new version of ACOUSTICS had to include the work of Neville Thiele and Richard Small. They proposed just six parameters to completely   describe the low-frequency behaviour of a loudspeaker, which are now commonly known as the Thiele-Small parameters, and Small   showed how to obtain them from the input impedance.

Also, they produced tables/charts which enable anybody to choose a frequency response   shape for a given drive unit and engineer the cabinet and bass-reflex port accordingly. Leo   is rightly proud of the fact that these authors used his book as their starting point and that   it led to the development of smaller loudspeakers using the acoustic suspension principle.

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加好友 发短信 一天到晚游泳的鱼
等级:黑侠 帖子:533 积分:5741 威望:0 精华:0 注册:2005-11-3 9:29:19
  发帖心情 Post By:2013-4-4 23:03:39 [只看该作者]

The story behind - 'Acoustics, soundfields and transducers'

During my previous experience as an analogue filter designer, the Thiele/Small approach   was standard. One would never design a filter by messing around with component values   until it “looked about right”. If standard tables/charts were not available for the element   values of a particular circuit, I had to derive the transfer function by hand and solve for the   polynomial coefficients in terms of the circuit element labels. This was a very laborious   process which often involved many pages of algebra, so I fully understood the significance   of Thiele and Small’s work. Virtually no circuit simulation tools use the transfer function.   Instead they calculate all the node voltages at every frequency step. I had been interested   in deriving transfer functions back in the 1980s for studying the transient responses and   stability of amplifiers. Back then, computers could only do such calculations numerically. In   order to solve for circuit element values, symbolic computation was needed, but at the   time, Maple was the only software which did this and it was only available in universities. It   was shortly after joining Nokia in 1999 that Noel Lobo introduced me to the numerical and   symbolic power of Mathematica and taught me how to use it effectively.

Another Nokia colleague, Andrew Bright, had the foresight to ask me to write a program   that could derive a polynomial transfer function from the net list of a circuit. I started with   the method described in a recent book by Robert Boyd, but extended it to include ideal   voltage sources, current sources, transformers and gyrators. Using Mathematica, I was   able to create two versions: one numeric and the other symbolic. This proved invaluable   for creating complicated acoustical designs such as a combined call and hands-free   loudspeaker. I have described this computation method in the final chapter of the book. If   one day someone were to use it to create a proper software tool with a nice GUI, it would   really make my day.

I should also mention Juha Backman who has provided much support and encouragement   over the years as well as introducing me to many people and important literature.  It has certainly been rewarding working with someone as eminent as Leo Beranek. What both Leo’s share is a generosity of nature, energy   and passion for acoustics as a subject that makes it seem more like fun than work. I hope that the new book inspires future generations of   students, engineers and academics as the original inspired me. It really is a most fascinating subject and there is still plenty to explore.

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