声学楼论坛技术交流区电声器件与系统设计软件应用及仿真室 → 常见电声设计软件



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常见电声设计软件  发帖心情 Post By:2006-6-29 16:29:04 [只看该作者]


Name: ABACUS 2.0
Computer: Microsoft Windows 3.1
Programmer: Vivek Mehta
Price: US$25 (private use)
US$40 (commercial use)
Download: http://www.sn.no/~rpd/speaker/
http://www.csek.iprod.auc.dk/~odie/ (tentative)
Description: ABACUS (A Box and Crossover User-friendly Simulation
Software) is a simple Microsoft Windows-based program to
help the DIY speaker builder to plot out the frequency
response curves for vented cabinets. The responses of up to
four user defined cabinets can be simultaneously seen,
allowing easy what-if comparisons. The "Keele Alignment"
for box volume and tuning frequency is calculated
automatically and its frequency response can be plotted.
Another alignment called the "Mehta Alignment" is also
offered as a starting point in the search for the ideal
cabinet volume. The port calculator allows easy design of
the port dimensions. The formulae used for calculating
frequency response are those used in "Keele's Pocket
Calculator" method. The crossover design section has not
yet been implemented in version 2.0 of the software. All
speaker driver parameters box volume and vent tuning
combinations entered by the user are stored in a file for
later reuse.

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Name: Active Filter Designer
Computer: MS-DOS
Distributor: Old Colony Sound Lab
Programmer: Fernando Garcia Ciesca, Marco A. Perez
Price: US$18
Description: Designs active Butterworth filters in four configurations:
highpass and lowpass in 2nd-order and 3rd-order.

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  发帖心情 Post By:2006-6-29 16:30:00 [只看该作者]

Name: AkAbak 2.03
Computer: Microsoft Windows 3.1
Distributor: Panzer & Partner
Programmer: Joerg W. Panzer
Agent: Bang-Campbell Associates
Price: US$1060
Description: AkAbak simulates electroacoustical networks by a modular
system. With the AkAbak script-driven input system, you can
describe and document even complicated acoustical models.
AkAbak comprises abstract filters and feedback units,
electroacoustic drivers, as well as electrical and acoustic
devices (eg. Duct, Enclosure, Horn, etc.). The simulation
displays the impulse response of the sound pressure and power,
directivity, as well as network potentials and flows. AkAbak
solves the radiation problem by numerical integration of the
radiation spheres of diaphragms and horns. This allows
high-performance analysis, even in the upper frequency range.
AkAbak's utilities include: synthesis of passive networks up
to 30th order, including coil losses; design tool for highpass
filtered vented boxes; parameter determination for dynamic and
piezo drivers; data import/export. A full-function demo
version and site licensing is available. A Web page is

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  发帖心情 Post By:2006-6-29 16:30:30 [只看该作者]

Name: AudioCAD
Computer: Apple Macintosh
Distributor: Carvin
Price: US$95
Description: Vented and closed box design program based on the Thiele-
Small model. It plots box response curves for different
driver/box combinations and features overlay capabilities,
a large driver library, and calculation of vent and
enclosure dimensions.

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  发帖心情 Post By:2006-6-29 16:30:56 [只看该作者]

Name: BassBox 5.1
Computer: Microsoft Windows 3.1 with 386SX or better CPU.
Distributor: Harris Technologies, Old Colony Sound Lab, Audiosoft
Price: US$99
Description: Low-frequency loudspeaker enclosure design program. Accepts
both Thiele-Small (Fs, Qts, Vas, No) and electro-mechanical
parameters (Qes, Qms, Cms, Mms, Rms, BL), and can convert
between the two types of parameters. Box design types:
maximally flat vented box with Ql adjustment, custom vented
box, 4th and 6th order bandpass vented boxes (including one
which ports rear chamber into front chamber), passive
radiator box, optimum closed box, custom closed box, 3
multiple woofer boxes. Design options: small and large
signal analysis, examine one speaker in several different
boxes, examine several different speakers in the same box,
manual override available for vented box tuning, multiple
ports, box dimension calculator with 15 different volume
shapes, enter speaker amplitude (acoustic response), use
English or metric units, vent dimension calculator with
various end correction options, save and recall designs.
Graphs include: normalized sound pressure amplitude, sound
pressure amplitude referenced to 2.83V, phase response,
group delay, acoustic power, and impedance. Graphs can be
saved in memory for later recall, and can be overlaid for
printing. Includes test procedures to test and calculate
speaker and passive radiator parameters (some basic test
equipment is required to use this feature). A user-
extensible driver database (now with over 1800 drivers) is
included, and the program makes extensive use of on-line

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  发帖心情 Post By:2006-6-29 16:31:32 [只看该作者]

Name: BassBox Pro 6.0
Computer: Microsoft Windows 95
Distributor: Harris Technologies, Old Colony Sound Lab, Audiosoft
Price: US$129
Description: Latest edition of BassBox

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  发帖心情 Post By:2006-6-29 16:31:55 [只看该作者]

Name: Bandpass BoxModel
Computer: MS-DOS
Distributor: Old Colony Sound Lab
Programmer: Robert Bullock, Robert White
Price: US$50
Description: Models bandpass loudspeaker systems with two chambers, one
at the rear of the driver and one at the front. The program
provides eight different acoustic arrangements. A number of
loss variables can be specified: Qas for losses due to
enclosure filling; Qls for losses due to enclosure leakage;
and Qps for vent or passive radiator losses. Up to four
designs can be stored and displayed by the program.
Graphical output includes: SPL magnitude and phase
response, impedance magnitude and phase, vent air speed,
and driver excursion. Both passive and active networks can
be specified for use with bandpass designs.

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  发帖心情 Post By:2006-6-29 16:32:48 [只看该作者]

Name: Bass Horn Design Software
Computer: MS-DOS
Distributor: Old Colony Sound Lab
Price: US$20
Description: Mouth and throat areas, back-chamber volume, enclosure
dimensions for catenoid, exponential or hyperbolic bass

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  发帖心情 Post By:2006-6-29 16:33:22 [只看该作者]

Computer: MS-DOS
Distributor: Old Colony Sound Lab
Programmer: G.R. Koonce
Price: US$10
Description: BENSON.EXE is a program developed to do plots based on the
model presented by J. Ernest Benson in his book "The Theory
and Design of Loudspeaker Enclosures". This model includes
leakage, absorption and port/passive radiator losses. You
provide Thiele-Small parameters for one driver, and system
data for up to three closed box, vented box, or passive
radiator systems. Plots of small signal frequency response,
include driver, port or passive radiator, and system output
independently. These include phase shift for the above, and
system group delay. The data can be printed in tabular
form. Also included is a developmental version of
SMALLPLT.EXE, which can be used to plot small signal
frequency response, Zin magnitude and phase, and cone (and
PR) displacement functions and maximum power input/output
for the system.

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  发帖心情 Post By:2006-6-29 16:33:56 [只看该作者]

Name: Blaubox 1.3
Computer: MS-DOS
Distributor: Blaupunkt
Price: US$199
Fetch from: A 1992 edition of Blaubox can be obtained by pointing
your Web browser to http://users.aol.com/mulroy/blau2.exe.
This version has been released as freeware.
Description: Designs woofer enclosures and crossovers, and is intended
for use by dealers in aiding customers with enclosure
design, including subwoofer and car applications. A
database of Blaupunkt drivers is provided, and can be
expanded with additional user-specified drivers.
Closed-box, vented-box, and single- or double-ported
bandpass enclosures are supported, including the isobarik
configuration with all box types. Two box/driver
combinations can be worked with simultaneously, allowing a
pair of drivers to be compared. Small-signal sound pressure
response plots are available, and enclosure designs include
drawings showing how to cut material for three different
box shapes. First- to third-order lowpass and highpass
crossover designs are supported, which limits the designs
to two-way systems as bandpass filters for midrange drivers
are not supported. Full online help is provided, as well as
online technical information on basic acoustics,
electronics, woofer selection, and enclosure design.
Printed output is supported on Epson dot matrix printers
and Hewlett-Packard laser printers, and other compatible

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  发帖心情 Post By:2006-6-29 16:34:13 [只看该作者]

Name: BoxCalc
Computer: MS-DOS
Distributor: ARIBA
Price: US$99
Description: Enclosure design of closed and ported systems, including a
database of drivers.

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LOCK胶与SV胶的区别  发帖心情 Post By:2006-6-29 16:34:32 [只看该作者]

Name: BoxModel 4.0
Computer: MS-DOS
Distributor: Old Colony Sound Lab
Programmer: Robert Bullock, Robert White (both contactable by email)
Price: US$60
Description: Features include: series and parallel, compound and
isobaric enclosure designs; sealed, vented and passive
radiator systems including large and small signal analysis;
on-line help; optimized flat alignments; four concurrent
designs; graphics printer screen plots supporting over 300
printers; over 1070 drivers in database file covering
4"-30" driver diameters and 53 manufacturers; equalized
alignments through 8th order; filter assisted alignments;
includes atmospheric conditions in design calculations;
displays coefficients of transfer function; re-designed
user interface compared with V3.0 and earlier; pull-down
menu driven; includes box, port, and absorption losses in
analysis; automatic file save/recall; DOS real mode
operation; single and multiple port length calculations;
auto detect CGA, EGA, and VGA display; runs on Intel 8088
through Pentium; no coprocessor required but recommended;
box dimension calculator with fixed/custom ratios; separate
graph traces for box, driver, equalizer, and loss
contributions; toggle between Imperial and metric units;
toggle max power graph based on resistance or impedance.
Graphs include: maximum SPL, relative SPL, voice coil
impedance magnitude and phase, acoustic phase response,
group delay, transient response, driver piston excursion,
vent airspeed, passive radiator excursion, maximum input

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求助磁路设计资料!  发帖心情 Post By:2006-6-29 16:35:24 [只看该作者]

Name: BoxModel 1.0 for Windows
Computer: Microsoft Windows
Distributor: Old Colony Sound Lab
Programmer: Robert Bullock, Robert White (both contactable by email)
Price: US$75
Description: Assumed to include main features of the DOS edition, plus
aperiodic loading.

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声学楼长三角电声论坛会议怎么没人报道?  发帖心情 Post By:2006-6-29 16:35:49 [只看该作者]

Name: BoxPlot 2.0
Computer: Microsoft Windows 3.x
Distributor: Sparta Sound Company
Programmer: Rick Carlson
Price: US$25
Description: Designs closed and vented enclosures using Thiele-Small
parameters. Includes filter assisted designs and vent
calculator. Plots sound pressure response.

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NTI RT-2M 阳光160 电声测试仪出租/出售/转让  发帖心情 Post By:2006-6-29 16:36:11 [只看该作者]

Name: BoxResponse
Computer: MS-DOS
Distributor: Old Colony Sound Lab
Programmer: Robert Bullock, Robert White, Glenn Phillips
Price: US$50
Description: Models closed, vented, passive radiator, and electronically
augmented vented boxes. Includes utility programs for
computing air cored inductors, series notch filters, Zobel
networks, L-pads, and vent design.

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  发帖心情 Post By:2006-6-29 16:36:36 [只看该作者]

Name: CACD (Computer-Aided Crossover Design)
Computer: MS-DOS
Distributor: Scientific Design Software
Price: US$349 (?)
Description: Design of crossover networks with optimization. CACD
generates an equivalent impedance circuit so network
designs use actual driver load. Allows up to 40 crossover
elements and 20 nodes in the net list.

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  发帖心情 Post By:2006-6-29 16:37:02 [只看该作者]

Name: CALE (Computer Aided Loudspeaker Engineering)
Computer: MS-DOS
Distributor: ELAC Technische Software GmbH
Prices: CALE-Demo, 23 DEM (approx. US$14)
CALE Light, for private use 99 DEM (approx. US$61)(CD-ROM)
CALE full version for private use, 805 DEM (approx. US$495)
CALE full version for commercial use, 2415 DEM (approx. US$1486)
Description: CALE is available in several "steps," the above full
versions includes step I, step II and expansion A, but an
additional step III and step IV are on their way. CALE
Light includes step I with some minor limitations plus
parts of step II. Whenever a larger version of CALE is
bought, the price of your current version is deducted. CALE
consists of four parts: 1) Driver chassis part: it fits
impedance (MLSSA Data import), calculates inductor coils,
simulates 3D-dispersion plots (using finite element
methods) for axisymmetric drivers (ie. not oval drivers)
and Waterfall plots, based on the cone geometry of the
driver (over 100 geometries are provided with CALE, but you
can define your own). Included in step I are various
enclosure design capabilities, such as vented systems,
passive radiators and transmission lines. Also included are
complex filter networks, maintained with a graphic circuit
network editor which allows up to 5 groups with each up to
60 components in any order. Networks can be tested with any
given signal, and the power handling of each component can
be detected (power distribution in the network). You may
specify up to 10 separate (but coupled, if desired) boxes,
which means you can explore new box concepts - even several
drivers (not necessarily the same type) may share the same
box, and the mutual coupling will be included in the
analysis. 2) Step II contains the automatic optimization
routines, using a genetic algorithm (which includes some
influence by randomization so as not to get stuck in local
minima), where up to four target response curves may be
chosen for optimization (frequency curves, time- and/or
impulse response curves) under consinderation of the
radiation from the enlcosure walls. 3) Expansion A contains
the part for different cone geometries, which may be
explored in conjunction with a box, a horn or whatever is
desired. The cone can be assumed to have any desired
stiffness. The frequency response at any angle may be
calculated. A given dispersion characteristic for a given
driver may be desired (eg. a measured one) for higher
precision. 4) Step III and IV takes the room acoustics into
consideration. It uses Mirror combined with Ray-Tracing to
simulate a square or L-shaped room with regard to the
frequency spectrum, wavefield diagrams, intensity/position
diagrams, time relations, optimization of speaker position,
aftereffects and speech considerations etc. Each wall may
be given individual absorption coefficients. This part is
very processor and RAM intensive, even when compared to the
fastest computers of today (February 1997).

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  发帖心情 Post By:2006-6-29 16:37:29 [只看该作者]

Name: CALSOD 3.10
Computer: MS-DOS
Distributor: Audiosoft
Price: US$320
Agent: Harmonic Design GmbH, Sonic Design AB, Munro Associates,
ME Technologies, Marton Music, Euterpe Audio
Demo disk: http://www.ljusdal.se/sd/caldem31.zip
Description: CALSOD 3.10 can model complete multiway (two-way, three-
way, four-way, etc) loudspeaker systems. Features include:
minimum-phase curve-fitting techniques enabling accurate
simulations of driver sound pressure and impedance
responses to be created, including phase response that is
important in crossover network design; simulation of sound
pressure and impedance response for vented, sealed,
passive-radiator, filter-assisted and bandpass
low-frequency alignments; the designer can specify the
positions of drivers on the baffle for accurate simulation
of effects on summed response caused by inter-driver time
delays to the listening position; optimization of
completely general user-defined passive and active
crossover networks with up to 60 components; standard
filter target functions for Linkwitz-Riley, Butterworth,
Bessel, constant voltage and user-defined designs;
curve-fitting optimizer for quickly creating sound pressure
models of driver response; curve-fitting optimizer for
creating impedance response models; curve-fit optimizer for
estimating driver Thiele-Small parameters (Qes, Qms, Qts,
Fs, Vas, Bl, Mms, Cms, etc) from experimental data using
added-mass or box loading techniques; driver Thiele-Small
parameters can also be estimated using a single measurement
of the driver impedance when mounted in a vented-box of
known volume and arbitrary tuning; driver impedance models
use frequency dependent voice-coil inductance and
resistance, parameters which can be automatically
determined by the impedance curve-fit optimizer and
Thiele-Small parameter estimator; automatic dcr
calculation for air-cored inductors; piston approximation
for driver models to simulate off-axis radiation
characteristics; specify orientation of the principal
radiation axis of each individual driver model used in the
loudspeaker system; import measurement files from MLSSA,
IMP, Audiosuite, CLIO, SYSid, System One, AIRR, PC Audio
Lab, AMS-PC, and LMS analyzers, with support for SPL
optimization using up to 5 observation points to account
for off-axis radiation characteristics; simulation of the
step in the sound pressure response caused by diffraction
of sound around the baffle; simulation of the effects of
floor reflections on the sound pressure response by setting
up a system of loudspeaker sources and images; simulation
of room gain effects on low-frequency response; modelling
of linear arrays. Plots include: impedance of each
individual loudspeaker driver; input impedance of the
crossover network and loudspeaker combination; voltage
transfer function of each filter when it is loaded by its
driver; filtered and unfiltered sound pressure response of
each loudspeaker driver included in the system; desired
target acoustic response function and target impedance
function; summed sound pressure response of a multiway
loudspeaker system, including the response at up to five
different observation points; magnitude and phase response
plots can be presented on a linear frequency scale to allow
the linear-phase behaviour of the loudspeaker system to be
easily assessed. The program comes with an extensive
printed user's manual with detailed tutorial examples.
Formulas are provided for determining initial crossover
component values for Butterworth, Linkwitz-Riley, and
Bessel filters.

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  发帖心情 Post By:2006-6-29 16:37:51 [只看该作者]

Name: CALSOD 3.10 "Budget edition"
Computer: MS-DOS
Distributor: Audiosoft
Price: US$270
Agent: Old Colony Sound Lab, Sonic Design AB, Euterpe Audio,
ME Technologies, Marton Music
Demo disk: http://www.ljusdal.se/sd/caldem31.zip
Description: The "budget edition" of CALSOD 3.10 has identical features
and capabilities as the full-priced edition. However, the
user's manual is supplied as a set of files on floppy disk,
and it must be printed by the user before use. The files
are provided in Windows Write 3.1 format, Word for Windows
2.0 format, and plain formatted ASCII text files.

  20楼 | 信息 | 搜索 | 邮箱 | 主页 | UC

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  发帖心情 Post By:2006-6-29 16:38:12 [只看该作者]

Name: CALSOD 1.40
Computer: MS-DOS
Distributor: Audiosoft
Price: US$69
Agent: Old Colony Sound Lab, Sonic Design AB, Marton Music,
ME Technologies, Euterpe Audio, KEY Audio
Demo disk: http://www.ljusdal.se/sd/caldem31.zip
Description: CALSOD 1.40 is the low-cost edition of CALSOD 3.10, and
therefore has somewhat fewer features. It does not include
the active crossover design capability, nor the multiple
observation point and impedance optimizers, nor the ability
to directly import measurement files from audio test
systems. It still provides a complete system modelling
capability with the ability to predict the total summed
response of a multiway system (but the simultaneous
modelling of multiple off-axis response curves is not
available). The program is capable of modelling closed-box,
vented-box, passive-radiator and closed rear chamber
bandpass enclosures (both sound pressure and impedance,
including phase response). A passive crossover network
optimizer for multiway loudspeaker systems is also
included. The extensive 240-page user's manual is supplied
as a set of files on floppy disk, and it must be printed by
the user before use. The files are provided in Windows
Write 3.1 format, Word for Windows 2.0 format, and plain
formatted ASCII text files. The user's manual includes
detailed tutorial examples based on designing a two-way
system, and describes the techniques for modelling woofer
and tweeter response functions. Formulas are provided for
determining initial crossover component values for
Butterworth, Linkwitz-Riley, and Bessel filters, which are
used as an initial starting point prior to running the
crossover network optimizer.

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