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主题:德国HEAD acoustics中国分公司 招聘 销售与技术支持

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等级:论坛游民 帖子:13 积分:174 威望:0 精华:0 注册:2008-12-28 21:28:57
德国HEAD acoustics中国分公司 招聘 销售与技术支持  发帖心情 Post By:2017-10-18 17:46:20 [只看该作者]

HEAD Acoustics公司作为ITU、ETSI等多个电信标准的直接参与制定者,在电声测试领域拥有悠久的历史和顶尖的技术,其权威性在全球范围内为业界所公认;凭借领先的技术和一流的服务,针对不同的被测产品和客户的需求,HEAD acoustics公司均能提供完美解决方案。其主要产品之一ACQUA音频测试系统是一套功能强大、简单易用的电声测试和分析系统,它适用于各种终端及网络、网关、电声元器件等产品的电声测试,可以完成多种标准(ITU、3GPP、ETSI、TIA/EIA等标准组织,Vodafone, Orange,CMCC,Verizon等各大运营商、GCF/PTCRB,GSMA、CTIA、Skype各类企业行业认证等)的所有音频测试要求,可以测量和分析通信产品的基本电声特性、语音质量以及不同背景噪声环境下的高级声质量等,帮助测量和改进通信终端及网络的语音质量,并已应用于国内绝大多数的质量检测机构、通信芯片制造商以及手机制造商。

长期以来HEAD acoustics一直致力于更深入了解市场的客户需求并提供专业而有针对性的解决方案和技术支持。在过去的几年里,中国已经迅速发展成为HEAD acoustics的重要的市场之一,中国客户的反馈已经成为HEAD acoustics在定义和研发创新产品以及解决方案过程中非常重要的一部分。及时与中国客户直接交流、合作并提供技术支持对HEAD acoustics来说也变得越来越重要。在此背景下,HEAD acoustics产品以前由代理商进行销售和支持的模式已逐渐凸显短板,因此,不久前HEAD acoustics正式在中国成立了子公司海德声科,开始结束以前的代理销售模式,直接与中国客户进行合作和提供服务,并启动下列职位的招聘。请大家有兴趣的将简历发往gaoxiong.yi@head-acoustics.cn ,我们将尽快与您联系。

About Us


HEAD acoustics GmbH is one of the world's leading companies for integrated acoustic solutions as well as sound and vibration analysis. As an acknowledged expert in telecommunication measurement technology, HEAD acoustics has developed special measurement and analysis methods for the determination of the transmission characteristics of voice-controlled systems. Voice- based telecommunication in particular requires a maximum of acoustic quality. HEAD acoustics guarantees an up-to-date range of high-performance Telecom products, among other things due to an active cooperation with German and international standardization bodies.

Detailed information of us can be found at: http://www.head-acoustics.de


To better serve the customers in China, HEAD acoustics GmbH from Herzogenrath near Aachen has founded a subsidiary company in Shanghai, China. The foundation of HEAD acoustics China Co., Ltd海德声科, strengthens the global presence and ensures first-hand service for the strategically important Chinese market.

As the new company HEAD acoustics China starts to operate, we invite talented individuals to join us. The following positions are open. We provide competitive welfares and salaries, of course which are open for negotiation. If you want to work in a dynamic and challenging environment, please contact us for consideration. Currently please forward your resume to gaoxiong.yi@head-acoustics.cn and we will feedback to you ASAP.


Job title: Regional sales (Telecom)


Job locations:

 Shenzhen(1~2 persons each city)


Tasks and responsibilities include:


1.       Responsible for HEAD acoustics ACQUA and relevant products sales in certain region such as Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen.

2.       Execute company sales policy, provide systematic solution to customers and respond to their request. Responsible for order fulfillment, contract, achieve sales target.

3.       Develop sales channel, cooperate with end users and explore potential customers to get more business opportunities.

4.       Follow up project status, coordinate with other colleagues to ensure the smooth implement of project, after-sales service, in order to ensure sustainable development of business.

5.       Collect and feedback possible and potential competition intelligence, include market performance, price level. Gather product feature suggestions/needs.

6.       Report to the head of telecom department regularly.


Qualified applicants should have:

1.       Bachelor degree or above.

2.       2+ years experience in a presales, solutions, or instrument sales engineering role is preferred.

3.       Background in electro-acoustic, speech and audio signal processing, telecommunication or related is a plus.

4.       Experience with HEAD acoustics ACQUA products is a plus.

5.       The ability to speak, write, and read fluent English and Mandarin Chinese. Strong communication skills, both written and verbal.

6.       The ability to be self-motivated, high enthusiasm in working and thrive in an environment with a team approach to problem-solving. The ability to travel domestically and internationally, with some night/weekend work required.

7.       Positive, courteous, & engaged attitude during all interactions by "owning" the customer experience.




Job title: Technical Support Engineer (Telecom)


Job locations:

 Beijing (1 persons each city)


Tasks and responsibilities include:


1.       Maintain technical expertise and knowledge about HEAD acoustics telecom products.

2.       Provide end-to-end technical support to customers upon requested. Responsible for on-site supporting activities such as installation, implementation, maintenance of HEAD acoustics telecom solutions.

3.       Report, replicate and manage resolution of customers’ problems.

4.       Provide input to managers and product specialists regarding the performance of instruments or other company products. Provide input to sales regarding any positive or negative input from customers such as competitive instruments, issues with product, etc.

5.       Team work with colleagues in China and Germany. Communicate between R&D, technical Support in headquarters in Germany and the customer when critical product issues need to be addressed.

6.       Educate the customer on core key principles for a sustainable configuration.

7.       Report to the head of telecom department regularly.


Qualified applicants should have:

1.       Bachelor degree or above. Major in electro-acoustic, speech and audio signal processing, telecommunication or related.

2.       Experience with HEAD acoustics ACQUA products is a plus.

3.       Ability to troubleshoot problems, research and root cause technical issues

4.       The ability to speak, write, and read fluent English and Mandarin Chinese. Strong communication skills, both written and verbal.

5.       The ability to be self-motivated, high enthusiasm in working and thrive in an environment with a team approach to problem-solving. The ability to travel domestically and internationally, with some night/weekend work required.

6.       Positive, courteous, & engaged attitude during all interactions by "owning" the customer experience.



[此贴子已经被作者于2018-02-22 00:11:09编辑过]

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加好友 发短信
等级:论坛游民 帖子:13 积分:174 威望:0 精华:0 注册:2008-12-28 21:28:57
  发帖心情 Post By:2018-2-22 0:11:19 [只看该作者]

